
Biography Of KH. Ahmad Dahlan

Founder Muhammadiyah Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan was born in Yogyakarta, August 1, 1868, a small Name KH. Ahmad Dahlan was Muhammad Darwisy. He was the fourth of seven brothers that overall his brother woman, except her youngest sister. This included the sons of founder Muhammadiyah twelfth of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, one of the leading pioneers of Information, namely the spread of Islam in Java. Her lineage is Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Maulana Ishaq, Ainul Yaqin, ' Maulana Maulana Muhammad Fadlullah (Sunan Prapen), Maulana Sulaiman Ki Ageng Gribig (Djatinom), Djurung Djuru Sapisan, Demang Demang Djurung Djuru Kapindo, Kyai Ilyas, Kyai Murtadla, KH. Muhammad Sulaiman, KH. Abu Bakr Darwisy, and Muhammad (Ahmad Dahlan).

Biography and profile of KH. Ahmad Dahlan

At the age of 15, he went to Hajj in Makkah and stayed for five years. In this period, Ahmad Dahlan began interacting with the thoughts of reformers in Islam, such as Muhammad Abduh, Rashid Al-Afghani, Ridha and Ibn Taymiyyah. When returned to his community of the year 1888, it changed its name to Ahmad Dahlan. In 1903, he traveled back to Mecca and settled for two years. During this time, he had learned to Sheikh Ahmad Khatib who also teachers from the founder of NU, KH. Hasyim Asy'ari. In 1912, he founded the Muhammadiyah in Kauman village, Yogyakarta.

Returning from Mecca, he married his cousin's Walidah, Siti himself, the son of Kyai Haji Fadhil King, later known as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, a National Pahlawanan and founder of the Aisyiyah. From his marriage with Siti Walidah, KH. Ahmad Dahlan got six children namely Djohanah, Siradj Dahlan, Siti Busyro, Irfan Dahlan, Siti Aisyah, Siti Zaharah. In addition, KH. Ahmad Dahlan was once also married Mrs Abdullah, widow of h. Abdullah. La has also been married to Mrs Rum, the sister of Kyai Munawwir Krapyak. KH. Ahmad Dahlan also has a son from his marriage with Mrs Aisha (younger brother of King Adjengan) named Dandanah Cianjur. He was also married to Mrs Yasin Pakualaman in Yogyakarta.

Biography Of KH. Ahmad Dahlan

With the intention of teaching religion, in 1909 Boedi Oetomo incoming Dahlan Kiai-the organization that gave birth to many nationalist figures. There he gave lessons to meet the needs of members. The lesson he gives is very useful for members of Boedi Oetomo Boedi Oetomo members so that this suggested that the school itself opened Dahlan Kiai are neatly arranged and supported by an organization that is permanent. It is intended to avoid a fate like a traditional boarding school was forced to close when a kiai leaders died. Suggestions were then followed up by founding Dahlan Kiai is an organization that was given the name Muhammadiyah on November 18, 1912 (8 Dzulhijjah 1330). The organization is engaged in civic and education. This is through the organization he tried to promote Islamic education and community building.

For Kiai Dahlan, Islam was about to approached as well as examined through the spectacles of the modern suit calls and demands of the times, not the traditionally. He taught the Holy Book Quran with tafseer and translation in order that the community is not only good at reading or singing of the Koran, but can understand the meaning in it. Thus is expected to be led to deeds as expected the Qur'an itself. According to her observations, previous Community only study Islam from chaff without studying it and understand its contents. So Islam simply is a dead dogma.

In the field of education, Kiai Dahlan then reform the pesantren education system of his day, which he did not clear his ranks and ineffective due to the emphasis on memorization and does not respond to General Science. Thus Kiai Dahlan established religious schools by giving lessons of General knowledge as well as the language of the Netherlands. There is even a School Muhammadiyah also like H.I.S. met de Koran. Instead, he incorporated the lessons of religion at public schools. Kiai Dahlan continues to develop and build schools. So during his lifetime, he has many founded a school, Mosque, Mosque, hospital, clinic, and the orphanage.

Da'wah activities did not miss. He further improve Da'wah with the teachings of their updates. Among the main teachings of the famous, he taught that all worship is haraam but there are commandments of Prophet Muhammad. He also teaches the ban on pilgrimage Tomb, worship and treatment to excessive inheritance-inheritance of palaces such as Kris, a chariot, and Spears. In addition, he also refines the religion of Islam
The formation of Hizbul Wathan is intended as a place for the education of the youth is the flower of hope nation and religion. As the site of the seedbed of trusted cadres, cadres at the same time shows that Islam is not the stodgy but progressif. Not outdated, but in line with the demands of the State and progress of the times. Because all updates being taught this somewhat Dahlan Kyai strayed from tradition that existed at that time, then all the gestures and the steps it does seen strange. The Kiai often terrorized as they threatened to kill, his house was stoned and animal droppings.

When hosting a Da'wah in Banyuwangi, he was threatened to be killed and was accused of being a fake kiai. However, he did not step down. He realized that doing a renewal of religious teachings (mushlih) surely cause turmoil and risk. With great patience, the community is slowly accepting perubaban he teaches. Lofty goals contained in the updates that he teaches. Any follow-up action steps and efforts taken Kiai is intended to prove that Islam is a religion of progress. Can raise the degree of the people and the nation to higher levels. His efforts turned out to carry a positive impact for the nation's predominantly Islamic Indonesia. Many intellectuals and youth groups who are interested in the methods practiced Kiai Dahlan is a lot so that they become a member of Muhammadiyah. In the process, Muhammadiyah later became one of the largest Islamic mass organization in Indonesia.

See the update method KH Ahmad Dahlan is the first Islamic scholar beliaulah, or perhaps the only Islamic cleric in Indonesia who conduct education and improved the life of the um'mat, not with the boarding school and not with the book wreath, but with the organization. The reason for life, he is known to have never established boarding schools as well as other scholars. And all knowledge, he also is said to have never fabricated anything the book or books religion.

Muhammadiyah organization's place as a charity and implement ideas updates Kiai Dahlan is very attracted the attention of observers of developments in Islamic world. Scholars and authors from both East and West are very focused attention to the Muhammadiyah. The name of Kyai Haji Akhmad Dahlan more famous in the world. In the forefront of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the role and the contribution he is very big. Kiai Dahlan with all ideas of renewal he teaches is a very large stock for national revival in the early 20th century.

Kiai Dahlan draw from many disciplines kiai i.e. KH. Muhammad Saleh in the fields of jurisprudence; from KH. Muhsin Nahwu science-Sharaf (grammar); from KH. Raden Dahlan falak Science (astronomy); of Kiai Mahfud and Sheikh KH. Ayyat Hadith science; Sayid Amin and Shaykh Bakri Satock science of the Koran, as well as from Shaykh Hasan in the field of medicine and poison animals.

At the age of 66 years, exactly on 23 February 1923, Kiai Haji Akhmad Dahlan died in Yogyakarta. He was later buried in Kuncen Reef, Yogyakarta. Over the merits of Kiai Haji Akhmad Dahlan then State gives him an honorary degree as a hero of national independence. The honorary title is poured in the Presidential DECREE No. 657, 1961 date of 27 December 1961.

The story of KH Ahmad Dahlan was also appointed to the big screen in 2010 with the title of The movie ' Lightening ' which tells about the story of KH Ahmad Dahlan and the formation of Muhammadiyah. KH Ahmad Dahlan's own figures starring Iksan Tarore as Young Ahmad Dahlan and then Lukman Sardi as KH Ahmad Dahlan. The film itself, directed by H

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